You can order you some Red Hots online from the fabulous Schimpff's candy store.
From their site...
In the late 1950s Brother Billy Branham, founder of Jeffersonville's Branham Tabernacle, visited candy maker, Sonny Schimpff, when Sonny was very ill in the hospital. He assured Sonny that he would again sell him Red Hots across the counter. Sonny make a complete recovery and indeed sold many more batches of his famous Red Hots. Presently members of the Tabernacle come from all corners of the globe to buy Schimpff's Red Hots and commemorate the promise that Billy Branham made.
"...members of the Tabernacle come from all corners of the globe..." that's pretty funny. Wonder if that includes me?
They don't ship to Australia. That's just unfair! Not that I even like redhots. It's just the nostalgia that counts!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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