Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Action Figure

I work with people. You, too, may find yourself in this precarious predicament. And as you too may have noticed, people are peculiar. One peculiarity I have noticed is some people's tendency to make a public proclamation meant to deny, but instead revealing, a fault.

I submit to you a few examples:

"Tell me the truth. You can't hurt my feelings."

"I never get angry."

"You can't make me mad."

"I used to not be very patient. But now I am."

Of course now you see what I'm referring to. Comments like these are borderline boastful, and are therefore gross. You're basically saying, "Watch me closely for any mistakes I make!"

Actions speak louder than words, so if you really want to let everyone in on how spiffy/whiffy/hooda you are, let your actions shout it out.

And thanks go out to all of my past/present acquaintances who turned a deaf ear to some of my past actions. :-)

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