Here's another goodie from Brer Joe Canada. A video of the late great Biblical archaeologist Ron Wyatt who claimed to discover, among other things, Noah's Ark, the crossing point of the Israelites over the Red Sea, and most notably, the Ark of the Convenant, which Ron says he found under the place of the crucifixion and still sprinkled with Christ's blood.
Which is what this video is about. A chemical analysis of that blood that was found on the Ark of the Convenant.
Wait a second. And also, hmmm. That doesn't sound like what Bro. Branham said: that Mary had nothing to do with the conception of Jesus.
Now, now some of them says then, the Protestant more or less believes that it was the Mary produced the egg. If that be so, look what you make Jehovah God doing. The egg cannot be produced without a sensation.
So, you see, God made both egg and germ, He created both in the womb of Mary. And that Man was not nothing but God Himself made flesh and dwelt among us, Emmanuel, not just a fine man, a prophet; He was fine Man and Prophet; not a teacher, a theologian. Oh, He might--He might have been all of that; He was all in all. But above all that, He was God Himself. The Bible said, "We are saved by the Blood of God." God Himself, not a third person or a second person. The Person, God Himself, great Jehovah, overshadowed Mary; and the Creator, and created both the blood cell, the life, and also the egg.
The Seed Shall not be Heir with the Shuck 65-0429B
If that baby's body (which the flesh comes from the egg), and if that baby's body was flesh of Mary, then what? Then Mary had to have some kind of a sensation. You see where you put God doing? God created both egg and blood cell. And He wasn't Jew; neither was He Gentile. He was God, God in the form of sinful flesh.
A Paradox, 62-0128A
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4 years ago
Not knowing or probably never having heard of the prophet, Ron's observation of the mother's side was errant..but that does not preclude that he was in error as to the origin of the blood.
That's kind of freaky... the blood being alive & all. Whether they are right on the origin of the blood and analysis or not, I still think it's a bit freaky.
I didn't realise had passed away. I can remember going to hear him when I was only 13. Some guy with hair down to his waist stood up and asked him if he was ever going to try to find the Holy Grail. He was serious, too.
When we left, I can remember thinking, "It doesn't matter if they really did find the ark, or the red sea crossing, that still isn't going to make people believe. I have to accept it by faith, not base it on what some man claims he found."
I'm sure he did a great job & all. But I know the Bible is real because God gave me the grace to be able to accept it.
Whether it really is the blood of Jesus or not, it won't do me any good unless I apply it by faith.
That's just my 2 cents worth...
A thousand Amens. I couldn't agree more.
I hate it when I go back & read something I wrote, and find errors in it!
"I didn't realise he had passed away."
That's better. *smile*
Something else too... I keep thinking about the blood still being alive. That blood was shed so the very Life that was in the blood could come back on me.
So even if it is still alive... I still think I have Something greater. The very life of Christ dwelling in me.
Oh, praise God!
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