Wednesday, August 16, 2006

You people don't know whut yer doin'!

Our Infrastructure Manager turned in his resignation this week, and rumor has it that he took the opportunity to vent his pent up frustrations in a most unbecoming way. Which didn't go over so well - so they asked him to leave the building immediately.

There's really never a good time to be critical to management, even if you're walking out the door for the last time. After 10 years of seeing scores of people come and go, I've never seen anyone's parting advice (even constructive) heeded by management. If bad decisions are being made, your parting potshot isn't likely to change things. Far better to do everything possible to leave a good taste in your former employee's mouth. After all, you might come crawling back some day looking to be rehired. Or need a reference, at the least.

Hmm... you think the Infrastructure Manager would get a good reference?

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