Thursday, March 30, 2006

Blood Cleaner

Like something straight out of a science fiction story, this pencil-sized machine can clean your blood of Smallpox, Ebola, and many other viruses, in a couple of hours. One minute you're sick, a couple hours later, you're not.

What won't they think up next?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want one of those!! Wouldn't it be great to be able to just clean out your bloodstream everytime you got sick or felt bad..

I'm ordering 12.. just in case we run out.. Where do we get these things? do they sell them in health food stores?

Bet the doctors won't want us to have them.. Too risky. They might not have any more patients if these things get out of the lab.

enjoy your articles, pics, films, and stories.. especially your stories.. You ought to write a book!! No, I'm serious!! You could do it .. complete with your own illustrations.
