Monday, February 04, 2008

Little Zoe's Big Bad Rash

Monica just took Zoe to the pediatrician. She's been afflicted with the most horrible rash, and it turns out that wasn't all she had. The rash was a yeast/staph infection combo. Plus she had an ear infection. And roseola. I think roseola is a rash, so I'm not sure if that was part of the rash, or somewhere else, but the doc said that's why she's been having a fever on and off the last few days.

And she's been so happy! She made me laugh this morning bouncing around and being silly.

Thank God for good doctors. They gave her some stuff that should knock all of this out in a few days.

1 comment:

New Mommy said...

Poor baby! She's so sweet in spite of it all! Ditto on the doctors. When you need 'em, they're sure nice to have!