Now, hope will agree with the Bible. Hope will say, "It's True." Hope will say, "I believe every bit of It. I believe that that's the Word of God. And I--I--I believe that God will keep His promise." Hope believes all of that. But hope then says, "Now, I believe that God will heal, but look at my condition."

Now, faith don't look at that. Faith comes around, "I don't care nothing about conditions. God said so, and it's mine." You see? Faith's burly. As I once said, "Faith has hair on the chest. When it stands up and pulls its big muscles out, everything else vanishes away." Just takes--flies away. When faith really takes a hold, nothing else stands.

I'm telling you, faith... But you've got to have hope and charity. If you've got real burly faith and no love with it, you've ruin your influence before the people (if you haven't got love mixed with it). See? You seen people, a real burly, what we would say (excuse the expression) a bulldog faith, to grab a hold, but is so rough with it. Then you see when you do that, it doesn't--it hasn't got the kindness here to move with it. So what we need is hope, faith, and charity. Isn't that right? Hope, faith, and charity, together. God help our church to have it like that, the people, to have that combination.
Faith Cometh By Hearing Chicago, IL Saturday 54-0320
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