Thursday, February 21, 2008

Blocking Out

My poor wife (and family) have to endure a lot from me. I'm renowned for slipping off into never-never land, thinking about a problem at work or something, while I'm being asked what I think about the spaghetti. Usually they just patiently wait for me to come back, and then repeat their question.

The other night I was sitting there eating my supper and suddenly realized that, for several minutes, Esther had been drawing on my face! With a crayon! She had completed several art projects on my visage by the time I realized said fact.

I know, I know, that's bad on so many levels.

A few minutes later Monica wanted to know what was on my face.

"Oh, Esther was just drawing something."

"Oh... Ok."


Anonymous said...

Ha ha! That story is so three dimentional! Each generation has it's own set of difficulties, unlike the former, and in many respects, the same!
love, Dad

Bro Trevor said...

Ha ha ha!!

Good stuff!!

You need to get that checked.