A year ago this morning our pastor and his wife hurried over in the middle of the night (and they don't live exactly next door either - more like an hour away!) to watch Zach and Esther for us while we scrambled for the hospital. We made it with about an hour to spare; possibly the quickest and "easiest" delivery of Monica's distinguished career.
Zach told us the other day how he woke up that morning and saw Nanny (Sister Dale) talking to Esther, and immediately thought, "Momma and Daddy are at the hospital! Hurray! I don't have to go to school!"
God bless Monica's Mom, who stayed with us for a month, and her Dad, who graciously lent his wife to us.
Zoe is apt to point up with both hands when she sees Kaylee pointing up. She's not as talkative as Kaylee, but everyone now and then she'll pop out a perfectly enunciated word just out of the blue. And she likes to point. Since she sucks her index and middle fingers together, she also points with both fingers before popping them back into her mouth. Like she's gonna shoot somebody with those fingers. Put the briefcase down over there. And all the money had better be there, see?
...and more memories.
Time flies, don't it?
wow!!! has it really been a whole year already?
God Bless and give the twins a birthday hug for me!
-Anna May
Thanks - and will do!
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