Monica called me earlier today, on the way home from buying groceries, with all four kiddies in tow, and said someone was following her. It was a woman in a gray van, talking on her cell phone. She turned around when Monica made a u-turn, and recklessly swerved in front of cars when Monica changed lanes. When Monica said she looked evil, I knew something strange was going on.
So I told her to either drive to the dump (where there are usually a lot of people) or the police station. She very calmly said she was going to call 911 (even better), and so I hung up the phone and waited. And waited.
Which was very difficult to do. I went and walked up and down the stairwell and prayed.
Meanwhile, the 911 operator told my wife to drive to the police station, and as she pulled in, with the other car right behind her, two police officers emerged and asked to see the pursuer's driver's license. Thankfully Monica didn't have to talk to the woman, but her story (as related by an officer) was that she had noticed Kaylee's car seat was forward facing (technically not legal for another two months, or until Kaylee gained another 5 pounds or so) through our darkly tinted van windows as she drove past, and just about killed herself trying to keep up with Monica while she phoned the police!
Yes, that's right, she was on her cellphone the whole time because she was calling the police! To rat my wife out!
I imagine her conversation may have gone something like: "Yes officer, I'm breaking the speed limit and who knows how many other laws so that I can bring you this late breaking information that a woman is driving around with a child in a forward facing childseat! I promise to not let her escape!"
Or maybe she was planning on making a citizen's arrest.
The officers were very nice, helped Monica get Kaylee's car seat turned around, and made sure Zach and Esther were buckled and in their booster seats (they were). Zach and Esther were very good during the whole ordeal; I wish I could have seen their faces as a policeman stuck his head in the car and looked them over. I'm sure all the kiddies will have a story to tell me when I get home tonight.
As Monica was driving home, a gray van passed her going in the opposite direction. It was that woman again, still talking on her cell phone. I suppose she found someone else that needed to be reported to the police.
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4 years ago
1 comment:
How Awful.
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