Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Good Stuff

I highly recommend that you order you this right here, right now.

After hearing my bro-in-law Bro. Matthew rave about the Q&A sermon, I went ahead and listened to the first half on the way to work this morning. Lots of wonderful stuff on here, including a beautiful explanation of the New Birth, a few point blank statements on birth control, a great answer on gifts of the spirit in church, and why we don't... well, you've just got to hear it for yourself! And I haven't even gotten to the second half yet!

Now, go on ahead with your slow self!


Bro Trevor said...

Ok, ok, I ordered it awhile back...

but after reading that, looks like I'll just have to listen to it again!!

I really liked the unconditional covenant CD. A blind man was healed, it was neat.

He said something about Abraham, being backslid, and still God told Abimilech that Abraham had to pray for him. It was just neat.

Alysa said...

Oh, Amen bro! That's one great sermon. I listened to it over & over when we first got it, because the books haven't been released yet, and I didn't want to miss out on anything. Then we listened to it in church a few weeks ago, and it was wonderful all over again!

I love "Elijah" too... and the others, of course!

To think that God let them remain unseen until today... He knew that we would be needing those exact sermons right now!

Bob B said...

Unconditional Covenant is next! I'm almost done with the second half of the Q&A (Law as a Shadow) sermon, and wow is it good! I think I will listen to the second half again before moving on.

Love that quote about Abraham. Love it love it.