Springtime in Atlanta is not fun for anyone with allergies. A pollen count over 120 is considered extremely high, but around Atlanta we routinely get pollen counts over 3,000. It covers everything - it's so bad this year that people are sending pictures of stuff covered in pollen to the AJC (login required, sorry).
I've been feeling horrible, off and on, over the last few weeks, and I'm starting to think it's the pollen. When I woke up this morning I felt like my head was the size of a watermelon, and everything was rolling around inside. But the headaches I can deal with - it's the extreme fatigue that really gets you. I suspect the pollen is what caused my sis-in-law's fatigue attacks too.
Caffeine seems to make it worse. If you're like me, do not drink a Red Bull, cup of coffee, or whatever, whilst suffering from allergy fatique, unless you want to be completely incapicated for the rest of the day. Unfortunately I have a hard head and it took a few tries for me to learn my lesson.
Thankfully it looks like we only have a few more weeks to go.
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4 years ago
I think you're right about the fatigue. The pollen was what Ben first suspected, too. Today was horrible, though! I just wanted to crawl in a hole.
Yelchy yellow.
NasalCrom, NasalCrom all the time..
Over the counter in the largest
Shoot it up your nose as often as you like..
NasalCrom, NasalCrom, makes you feel right!
NasalCrom gonna let you sleep at night..
Makes your sinuses as strong as a steel kite..
No side affects, your head won't reel..
You'll be better off than the way you NOW feel..
Catch up with your sleep, that definitely will help..
Stay indoors a lot, until you regain your health.
Don't pick up heavy objects with your bare hands..
Take time to use gloves.. and you'll feel grand! (OOOOOooo That was way corney!)
Corney as Kellogs Corn Flakes!
Wow, that was extra special corny. Taking corny to a new level of corniness. Corny to the max.
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