I'm tired. Not tired in the "I can hardly keep my eyes open" sense, but in that strange "look I can fly" way when you've been losing sleep over many days. I've been putting Zach, Esther, and Zoe to bed every night, which takes about two hours, and then I keep popping awake throughout the night. Of course, Zoe always wants more, so much more food than she can get from her Mom (which is a lot, believe me - the doctor was impressed at how much they were throwin' down), so I have to run downstairs in the icy cold (we turn the heat off at night downstairs) to warm up a bottle Monica pumped earlier. Always just as my feet have gotten nice and toasty under the sheets.
I kept waking up last night to Monica feeding a baby. So if I'm tired, I know she is. She tries to let me sleep since I have to go to work, bless her. What's a little disconcerting is that Monica's Mom has been taking care of Kaylee at night in another bedroom. Kaylee is the babe that doesn't like to sleep, and Monica's Mom will be going back home to Mobile, AL in a week. Dude!
But boy, they sure are cute. If you don't have twins, you need to get you some. Heh.
Monica's Mom, by the way, is keeping us very very well fed. She's nice. I like her a lot.
Sleep, sleep, fleeting thing
Drape your arms about me
Let me rest on your shoulders
And dream.
You tell us they're cute, and then don't show us photos? That's got to be illegal! But then, since you admitted that you were typing through fog, I'm sure we can forgive you.
My, the lack of sleep sounds rough, but you guys are doing awesome! Wil be praying for you.
Oh, and look! No strange letters to type! Loving it!
Haha - you're right, I have done a naughty by not posting pictures. I'll try to do better.
The problem is all the pictures are on the home computer, which I don't have time to get on lately. That's my excuse anyway. ;-)
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