Monday, February 26, 2007


The other night I went upstairs to put my oldest two kiddies to bed. We all jumped in Esther's bed so I could tell them a Bible story, and away I went, pulling history down from the pages of time in <humble>brilliant</humble> retellings, eventually winding around to a brief verbose overview of the Godhead, when Esther, apparently getting sleepy bored, looked up at me and said cheerfully, "I know where my butt is!"


"Tee hee!"

Shhh, let me finish my story.

I tried. I really did. But it was too late. Zach, looking up at me, decided to take the opportunity to comment, "You have hairs in your nose."

Yeah. How about that. You're very observant.

Esther: "Smell my feet."

No! Yuck!

Esther: "Grandma washed 'em!"

OK ok, let me smell. *sniff* OK, you're right, they do smell nice.

Zach: What do they smell like?

Petunias, now time for bed.

After they were all safe and snug in their little beds, having drunk the thousandth glass of water and dispensed kisses and hugs all around, I scurried off to my room to rock Zoe to sleep. Zoe is interesting in that she'll very quietly lay there with her eyes wide open, like two little black coals scanning the room, without fussing or complaining (usually). It's beyond cute. I rocked her back and forth for an hour or so while she looked at me, and the ceiling, and the bed, and up and around and side to side. And then she laid her head on my chest and fell asleep.



Bob B said...

Pictures are coming. I just don't know when. :-)

Anonymous said...

Haha... was that comment for my benefit?

Such cute stories. You've got great kids.

Baumgartner News said...


Thank you for posting these pictures - and of course the stories! HAHA - I can just hear them talking about smelly feet and such! The twins are TOO SWEET and CUTE - my arms ache to hold them! Tell Zachary and Esther that Aunt Ina MISSES THEM and give them a HUG for me!!!