Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Christmas Pics

Many of you may have read in an earlier post how I spent Christmas with my family. Here is a sad sad picture of one of my family members. My goodness. Where did we get this one? OK, ok, it's my brother, um... "acting" silly.

And what ho did yon tide bringeth in? Float-en upon ye waters? Verily. Forsooth. And by my troth, it is myself, a-making merry upon the waves in my little super-suit. No doubt at that precise moment I'm thinking of my next Muse by Bob. Either that, or the kayak was starting to put a crick in my back.

And here is mine son, mine only son, a-sporting a super-suit like his Papa. I bought it last year in a fit of dilerium while at the local ocean sports store unaccompanied by my accountant wife. Ah well - it was worth it just to see the young lad a-cavortin' about actin' like his Dad.

And here's the whole lot of us prancin' among the waves like we was a bunch o' silly dolphins or somethin'. Arrgghh matey.

And that's all the pics I have for now. I hope you're happy. :-)


New Mommy said...

Oh, dear brother in-law, are you aware that we have our share of black-male pictures of thyself?

Heh heh heh. Putt putt. Heh heh heh. You only thought the one of Ben was bad...


Bob B said...

Hahaha. Touche.