Thursday, November 16, 2006

How to Animate

Glen Keane is one of the grand old masters of animation. He gots skills. He was the lead animator for Beast, the Little Mermaid, Ratigan, and so forth. His Dad, Bil, draws The Family Circus cartoon in the Sunday papers.

Here's a phenomenally interesting video of him lecturing on animation - watch as he animates a woman shopping! Totally nifty to watch (I think so anyway).

There's a little trick to drawing that most people don't know about, but is the basic premise of all of those How to Draw books you perhaps read when you were messing around with drawing (if you ever did). Most people try to draw the lines, but experienced drafters draw the shapes. You can see that's how Glen draws - lots of circles, ovals and rectangles and so forth. Did I mention he's good? He's good...

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