Thursday, October 19, 2006

The White Robe

This is the story of The White Robe as told by Bro. Branham...

Now, idolatry, it's still today. We find... I find people coming to the altar, and with blind sayings of blind teachers, that'll say, "Just open up; forget everything; make your mind a blank. You'll become an--an Elijah. You'll become this, that, or the other." What a lie. You don't come to God... That's to open up your soul to all kinds of devil spirits get in. Don't you do that. You must remember: there is a devil, and he impersonates Christ to the letter almost.

I was reading in the Life of Saint Martin sometime ago, that where a boy... He was actually a monk, and he said that God had called him to be one of the old prophets, "You listen to me, I am one of the old prophets." And the school of Martin, of course, wouldn't listen to such a thing as that. So they didn't believe it because the boy's life didn't pattern up to it. Finally, he said, "I'm going to prove to you that I'm called to be an old prophet. Just a young fellow," said, "but I'm called." See, "Gifts and callings are without repentance." See, they get off the Word. And when you get off the Word you get into anything.

And this boy said, "Tonight, around midnight, God is going to give me a white robe to set among you all with, to show that I'm an old prophet." So they... That night, they all listened, and whispering, "come in," and people traveling. And the boy received a white robe. When the visitor left, they went and looked at the robe; it was genuine, a real, white robe, looked very good. But the old bishop, he just couldn't get that. It didn't seem right, because it just wasn't Scriptural--a white robe. And when he did, they said, "Take this robe and go stand before Saint Martin, that man of God." And he wouldn't do it. He wouldn't stand before that genuine prophet. He wouldn't stand; and they forced him to do it. And when they started to take him, the robe vanished and went somewhere; they didn't know where it went. See, when it's brought to a showdown...

And this is the original story of The White Robe as told by Sulpitius Severus in a letter to his brother Desiderius...

There was a certain man, Clarus by name, a most noble youth, who afterwards became a presbyter, and who is now, through his happy departure from this world, numbered among the saints. He, leaving all others, betook himself to Martin, and in a short time became distinguished for the most exalted faith, and for all sorts of excellence. Now, it came to pass that, when he had erected an abode for himself not far from the monastery of the bishop, and many brethren were staying with him, a certain youth, Anatolius by name, having, under the profession of a monk, falsely assumed every appearance of humility and innocence, came to him, and lived for some time on the common store along with the rest. Then, as time went on, he began to affirm that angels were in the habit of talking with him. As no one gave any credit to his words, he urged a number of the brethren to believe by certain signs. At length he went to such a length as to declare that angels passed between him and God; and now he wished that he should be regarded as one of the prophets. Clarus, however, could by no means be induced to believe. He then began to threaten Clarus with the anger of God and present afflictions, because he did not believe one of the saints. At the last, he is related to have burst forth with the following declaration: "Behold, the Lord will this night give me a white robe out of heaven, clothed in which, I will dwell in the midst of you; and that will be to you a sign that I am the Power of God, inasmuch as I have been presented with the garment of God." Then truly the expectation of all was highly raised by this profession. Accordingly, about the middle of the night, it was seen, by the noise of people moving eagerly about, that the whole monastery in the place was excited. It might be seen, too, that the cell in which the young man referred to lived was glittering with numerous lights; and the whisperings of those moving about in it, as well as a kind of murmur of many. voices, could be heard. Then, on silence being secured, the youth coming forth calls one of the l t brethren, Sabatius by name, to himself, and shows t him the robe in which he had been clothed. He again, filled with amazement, gathers the rest together, and Clarus himself also runs up; and a light being obtained, they all carefully inspect the garment. Now, it was of the utmost softness, of marvelous brightness, and of glittering purple, and yet no one could discover what was its nature, or of what sort of fleece it had been formed. However, when it was more minutely examined by the eyes or fingers, it seemed nothing else than a garment. In the meantime, Clarus urges upon the brethren to be earnest in prayer, that the Lord would show them more clearly what it really was. Accordingly, the rest of the night was spent in singing hymns and psalms. But when day broke, Clarus wished to take the young man by the hand, and bring him to Martin, being well aware that he could not be deceived by any arts of the devil. Then, indeed, the miserable man began to resist and refuse, and affirmed that he had been forbidden to show himself to Martin. And when they compelled him to go against his will, the garment vanished from among the hands of those who were conducting him. Wherefore, who can doubt that this, too, was an illustration of the power of Martin, so that the devil could no longer dissemble or conceal his own deception, when it was to be submitted to the eyes of Martin?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find this to be very interesting, and helpful.
love, Dad