Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Real Beauty?

Once again, special thanks to Joe C. for providing content to this blog. Hehe.


Bro Trevor said...

What a great statement...

My thanks to Joe C too.

Bob B said...


Bob B said...

I guess in retrospect my comment did sound a little lecherous. I'll say, in my defense, that I was framed.

It was all a setup... I was framed I tell ya... framed!

Bro Trevor said...

uhm...Did I miss something?

Bob B said...

Oops! I guess I just cooked up some misconstrue-dle stew! I misinterpreted your comment in the most bizzare way... I'll say, as my excuse, that I didn't have enough coffee or something.

So, uh... never mind.

On second thought, I'll use myself as an example...

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is a great example of what pastors everywhere endure on a weekly basis. Something completely benign gets bizzarely misinterpreted by a church-goer, who then sends the misinterpreted goofiness on its way down the gossip grapevine, doing damage all the way.

Let this be a lesson to us all. :-)