Friday, September 29, 2006

It's Twins!

Oh wait, you probably already knew we were having twins. If not, well... we are. My wife is pregnant with twins. And yesterday we found out the gender of said twins as I and my family looked on with great fear and trepidation.

Would it be two boys? Or a girl and a boy - a little friend each for my present son and daughter? Or... shiver me timbers... two girls?

Monica and Esther were pretty calm during the whole ordeal, but Zach and I were quite anxious as the technican took her sweet time measuring, measuring, making mistakes and measuring again, for what seemed like a really... long... time.

And then finally the technician said, "Let's see if we can catch Baby A with its legs spread!" Uh... right, and all that. Let's see.

I'm horrible at reading ultrasounds - they just look like a bunch of gray blobs, sometimes with an outline of a bony looking hand next to a rough outline of a face that, of course, all the sistren find simply adorable. But I'm pretty good at determining gender. My pupils widened as I watched the screen and anticipated the technican's declaration as she slowly typed...

Baby A: Girl

I looked down at Zach and thought, "You gonna be OK, big guy?"

He was clearly distressed - part of his hand was in his mouth. But there was still one to go!

I was surprised to find myself genuinely nervous. Were my son and I about to be outnumbered? Would my house be forever filled to the brim with silliness as in the book/movie Pride and Prejudice?

As the technician's hand guided the ultrasound device thingy across my wife's belly, I saw... and I knew. And then the technician slowly, agonizingly typed on the screen.

Baby B: Girl

My son softly mumbled through his hand, "I don't like this.", as I reeled back on my heels. Focus...focus. Instantly, and without warning, my family's delicate testosterone/estrogen balance had been tipped drastically towards never having a vacant bathroom, always hearing a blow dryer running somewhere, and lots of twirling, giddiness, and teehee'ing.

I looked down at my son and thought, "My son. I will be the brother you never had. I will play cars with you, my son, my only son." And stuff like that right there.

So we're having two more girls. Zach and I will be fine in a couple of days. Monica told him he was special because he was the only boy, which made him feel better. Funny, I would've thought that would make things worse, but I guess that's why she's the Mom.

I'm thinking about preparing a nice, lengthy, 300 page questionnaire for any potential suitors. It's best to be prepared, you know - may as well start early.

And I'm not joking.


Anonymous said...

It's going to be fun seeing you trying to manage all of those girls....hahaha.

Anna May said...!!

Bro Trevor said...


That's gotta be rough.

I feel for ya buddy.

You' fine... I'm sure...

Bro Trevor said...

Hey, it let me post as me!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I didn't know it was twins! Congrats!!!

My deepest sympathy goes out to Zach!!

For as long as I can remember, I've had two brothers. But then one day, Mum was having another baby. How I prayed & prayed... but I got another brother.

Then, two years later... the ultrasound said a boy. But ultrasounds can be wrong, can't they? Nope, it was correct. Josh was a boy.

Three years on, I was REALLY praying this time. Mum didn't find out, but she'd had a dream that the baby's name was Timothy. I was pretty sure that Timothy wasn't a girls name... turns out, it's definately a boys name.

So, five brothers & no sisters, and I lived to tell the story.

Hmm... maybe Zach & I could arrange some sort of trade here...

Jimmy said...

3 girls? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaha! Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh. It is nice to have someone in the same predicament as myself. We will have lots of stories to swap. I'm sure you and Zach will be just fine. Congrats and God bless you all!