Thursday, August 31, 2006

Labor Day Meetings

This weekend we'll be traveling on down to Macon, GA to attend the labor day meetings at Bro. Yancey's church. Isn't it interesting how message churches are known by the pastor's name, and not by the actual name of the church? I didn't even know what my church's name was until we had been going there for over a year.

We always look forward to the labor day meetings, particularly to hearing Bro. George Ferguson, who hails from Canada (somewhere in the middle, heh, sorry I don't know my geography). As far as I know Bro. George doesn't have a web site, isn't widely known, and isn't oft invited to preach elsewhere (as far as I know(!?)), but he's one of my favorite preachers.

The labor day meetings are like a mini family reunion. My family and my wife's family will be there this year (except for Ben & Sharon, who are in the delivery room as we speak), so I'm expecting some hearty laughs and a back-slappin' good time.

If you're coming, see you there in a couple of days! If not, you're missing out, so maybe next year?

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