This morning while I was brushing my teeth I had a great clatter coming from the front of the house, which sounded like my wife speaking with someone. We just put our house up for sale last weekend, so I thought maybe someone wanted to have a look around.
And then Monica burst into the bathroom bawling. Someone had run over our dog, and some kind passers-by were taking it to the vet hospital for us. Two things popped into my head. Firstly, that our dog is very small, and any encounter she might have had with a moving vehicle couldn't end up in her favor. Secondly, that the vet hospital near us is one of those, "Are you the mother of the animal?" types, with outrageous prices to match. I could only imagine getting a bill for repairing broken bones and whatever else got rearranged.
It was later related to us that the car that hit her was coming through our neighborhood's access road going at least 25 mph, when Sophie came streaking out of nowhere, was hit, and rolled under another car. She just lay there in the road, and the vehicle's owner debated with his wife whether picking her up would cause her more injuries, until finally they gathered her up and went searching for her owner (my wife).
Everyone was astounded to learn that all she suffered were two small scratches. No stitches necessary, and no internal injuries. The vet said he was "very impressed". The man that was in the car Sophie rolled under said, "Praise be to God!"
I still don't like Sophie...much, but this was definitely a miracle.
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