Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Donuts with Dad!

Monica informed me yesterday that I have been invited to participate in Donuts for Dad! this Friday morning at my son's school. Zachary is absolutely elated that I will be joining him for a donut. At 7:30 in the morning.

I still dislike schools; the smell, the sounds, the ominous long halls with fake cheery pictures hanging from brick walls. They may as well put barbed-wire around the perimeter, but oddly enough (and thankfully), my son loves going to school. And he thinks the world of me, which is something money couldn't even come close to buying. When we get ready for church, he often inspects my clothes and his for any similarities at all. If I'm wearing dark corduroys and he's wearing dark khakis, he'll say, "Dad we have the same pants!" He thinks I'm the biggest, strongest, bestest Dad in the world.

I'd be happy to step through the chain-link fence again for a donut.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i bet a cop will be there somewheres...