Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Honest Abe

Some choice quotes from old Abe himself, for your reading merriment. Many people attacked the way he looked, called him an ape, but few could attack his character.

I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient for that day.

Common looking people are the best in the world: that is the reason the Lord makes so many of them.

I have not permitted myself, gentlemen, to conclude that I am the best man in the country; but I am reminded, in this connection, of a story of an old Dutch farmer who remarked to a companion once that 'it was not best to swap horses while crossing streams'. (regarding reelection)

Whenever I hear any one arguing for slavery I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.

In regard to this Great Book, I have but to say, it is the best gift God has given to man. All the good the Savior gave to the world was communicated through this book. (regarding the Bible)

I have stepped out upon this platform that I may see you and that you may see me, and in the arrangement I have the best of the bargain.

I happen temporarily to occupy this big White House. I am living witness that any one of your children may look to come here as my father's child has.

Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong.

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