Thursday, September 01, 2005

Got gas?

Wow. Atlanta gas-stations were a madhouse yesterday, with lines going out into the streets from downtown 30 miles out into the suburbs. I live in Woodstock, about 30 miles north of Atlanta, and when I drive home most of the gas stations were already out of gas. Minor histeria began due to the news that two pipe-lines which deliver gas to the Atlanta area were out of service, along with the news that several metro-area gas stations would soon be out of gas. I decided to join the panicked masses, especially since I only had half a tank left, and joined the long line of cars coming out of our neighborhood Exxon, one of the last places around with any gas left.

Imagine my surprise when I inserted the nozzle into my car and the pump didn't start! An attendant came out of the station and announced that they were out of unleaded, and might be out of premium and supreme as well. I switched over to supreme and fortunately the pump started running, but I had to pay over $25 for about 8 gallons (which isn't too bad considering a lot of people were shelling out $5.00 a gallon for unleaded at other gas stations)!

Ironically, while on the way to get gas, I was listening to someone on the radio instructing everyone not to panic and run out to the gas stations. Ha, whatever. Like everyone else in Atlanta I need gas, and lots of it, to commute to work (30 miles one way). Unfortunately I doubt my employer accept an excuse of, "I don't have gas!" to skip a day of work. However, this has prompted me to start looking at alternatives, like riding the bus, which could save me over $200 a month in gas and parking costs (parking in Atlanta ain't free, unfortunately).

Of course I realize things could be much worse, as I'm sure the folks that are still in New Orleans are well aware. Its absolutely amazing how horrible the conditions seem to have gotten. People are literally living in feces (in the superdome), surrounded by dead people. People are flocking to Atlanta by the thousands; a coworker has 16 people staying with him.

I'm reminded of how the New Orleaniens were awful cocky during last year's near-miss hurricane (that hit Mobile instead of New Orleans; can't remember the name). They named an alcoholic beverage "The Hurricane", and laughed and threw parties. Its no laughing matter now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have the formula for making your own gas, you want it? hehe